Artwork Location Tracking & History

Art Location Tracking

Track your artwork's location and maintain a history of its locations as it travels through shows, galleries, and collections.

location tracking location history artwork location history

Location Creation

Location Setup

  • Add location name
  • Add location address
  • Permanant or temporary locations

Artwork Reminders

Create reminders for important dates & times

  • Custom reminders
  • Email notification 2-days prior to notification
  • View all notifications on an artwork

Location Contacts

Add specific contacts to locations for important points of contact.

  • Add multiple contacts to location
  • Contact profile image
  • Contact information
  • Sales receipt generation & emailing

Location History

See all of the current artworks assigned to a specific location

  • View all (current & past) artworks at a specific location
  • View all locations (current & past) of a specific artwork