7 Tips For How To Sell More Artwork Online As An Artist

7 Tips For How To Sell More Artwork Online As An Artist

Sell Artwork Online

As an artist, it can be challenging to sell your artwork online. With so much competition, it can be tough to stand out from the crowd and find buyers for your work. However, with the right approach, it's possible to increase your sales and build a thriving online business. Here are seven tips for artists on how to sell more artwork online.  Oh and did we mention that we have a dedicate service to allow artists to create portfolio websites with built-in artwork selling capabilities!  Check out our ArtCall.org Portfolio offerings!

  1. In order to build a strong online presence to sell your artwork online, you need to have a strong online presence. This means having a website or online portfolio that showcases your work and tells your story. It's also essential to be active on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, where you can share your work with a wider audience and connect with potential buyers.
  2. Invest in high-quality images of your artwork When it comes to selling art online, the quality of your images can make all the difference. Invest in professional photography or learn how to take high-quality images of your artwork yourself. Make sure your images are well-lit, in focus, and show the details of your work.  We have a simple practice guide for photographing your artwork for digital viewing.
  3. Offer a variety of sizes and price points. Not everyone can afford to buy original artwork, so it's important to offer a range of sizes and price points. Consider creating prints or smaller works that are more affordable for buyers on a budget. By offering a variety of options, you'll be able to appeal to a wider audience and increase your sales.
  4. Offer a satisfaction guarantee or return policy.  One of the biggest concerns for buyers when purchasing artwork online is the fear that the piece won't look the same in person as it does in the images. To alleviate this concern, consider offering a satisfaction guarantee or return policy. This will give buyers the confidence to make a purchase knowing that they can return the artwork if it doesn't meet their expectations.
  5. Use keywords and tags to improve visibility. When you're selling artwork online, it's essential to make sure your work is visible to potential buyers. To do this, make sure to use relevant keywords and tags in your product listings. This will improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and help your artwork show up in relevant search results.  When you're adding your artworks to your portfolio site, pay special attention to the 'tags' field.  Adding keywords to this field will greatly increase your artworks visibility on search and social engines.
  6. Participate in online art communities. To build your online presence and connect with potential buyers, consider participating in online art communities. Join social media groups or forums where artists and art lovers come together to share their work, offer feedback, and discuss the latest trends in the art world.  Apply to the many call for entries and opportunities that are available on our open calls for entry page.
  7. Consider partnering with other artists or businesses. Finally, consider partnering with other artists or businesses to increase your exposure and reach new audiences. Collaborate on a project or participate in a group show to showcase your work alongside other talented artists. You can also partner with businesses that sell complementary products, such as framing or home decor, to offer bundled packages to buyers.  Mashups and 'collabs' are a great way to gain additional exposure.

Selling artwork online can be challenging, but with these seven tips, you can increase your sales and build a successful online business. By building a strong online presence, investing in high-quality images, offering a variety of sizes and price points, and using relevant keywords and tags, you can make your artwork more visible and appealing to potential buyers. And by participating in online art communities and partnering with other artists and businesses, you can expand your reach and connect with new audiences.