Call for Entry Management

& Jury SystemFree Demo Site

Effortlessly Manage Your Call For Entry

ArtCall™ features online entry submission software for art galleries, exhibits, festivals, & shows to effortlessly manage calls for entry.  Our art entry software allows for a sub-domain on, or embedding the system directly into an existing website!  The entry software features a robust online jury process, payment system, name tag generation, and complete customizable controls over your call for entry.  The easiest way to see what's call for entry management software can do for you is read the quick features overview, and sign up for a live free demo website!  Festival type calls should look at the additional Festival Management Software features for arts & craft festivals with booth registrations.

Pre Call

A dedicated call website with fully customizable pages, free social media marketing, expert set-up help, built-in artist & submission galleries, customize categories & subcategories.

Accept Submissions

Customizable user and submission fields, file uploads, credit card payments for entry fees, complete jury & judge review & management, automated email notifications.

Post Call

Export full call data, print display name tags, physical check-in/check-out with QR code, sell artwork & manage buyers, mass email users, data backups and archives.


A Few Clients

We've worked with hundreds of small & large clients around the world

client logos

500,000 + Entries Processed

Hundreds of thousands of jury votes cast!

System Features

All 100% included, use just what you need!

Online Jury Process

online jury

Our software features a robust online jury process for acceptance or rejection of submissions into your exhibition. You can create as many jury users in your call as needed.

  • Jury voting history for each entry
  • Ability to make jury process anonymous
  • Customizable email notifications for jury results
  • Limit jurors to specific categories

Multiple Images With Entries

multiple attachments

Each submission entered into your art show can have multiple media attachments. The system automatically creates 3 sizes of each image.

  • Large, Medium, Thumbnail sizes
  • Multiple Media Types
  • jpg, png, mov, mp3, pdf, & more!
  • Limit number of images per entry

Entry & Submission Fees

submission fees

The art call entry software allows for you to set up user registration fees, user submission fees, or both.

  • Fully Secured SSL connection
  • Tiered pricing (member vs non-member)
  • User prepayment for multiple submissions
  • Arbitrary user payments

A few more of hundreds of features

  • Call & Jury Stats
  • Custom Email Nofifications
  • Customize Call Theme
  • Ulimited File Space
  • Generate CSV Reports
  • Mass Jury Assignment
  • Jury User Permissions
  • Generate QR Codes
  • Online Web Gallery
  • Unlimited Call Site Pages
  • Free or Fee-based Entries
  • Custom User & Entry Fields
  • Participating Artists Page
  • User Profile & Social Fields
  • Display Tag Generation
  • Sell Artwork Online

Setup Free Demo Call Site!

Setup Call Site