2021 Virginia Artists Juried Exhibition

2021 Virginia Artists Juried Exhibition


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility State
Entry Dates 7/30/21, 12:00 AM - 9/14/21, 12:00 PM 1278 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (25)
2021 Virginia Artists Juried Exhibition

4205 Victoria Boulevard, Charles Taylor Visual Arts Center
Hampton 23669 United States


Call for Entries: 2021 Virginia Artists Juried Exhibition
Exhibition Dates: October 19 - December 18, 2021
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, September 14th, Noon
Online submissions for the Hampton Arts 2021 Virginia Artists Juried Exhibition at the Charles H. Taylor Visual Arts Center in Hampton, VA are now being accepted by all artists living or working in Virginia.
Eligibility: Virginia artists (ages 18 and over) are invited to submit up to three original artworks for consideration. Original artworks created by the artist within the past two years and not previously shown at the Charles H. Taylor Visual Arts Center are eligible. All media, styles, techniques, and subject matter are eligible. Works should not exceed 60” in any direction (including framing) or weigh more than 150 pounds. Accepted artworks must be delivered dry and ready to hang or place and remain for the duration of the exhibition. (CHTVAC reserves the right to refuse artworks that do not meet installation requirements or are otherwise judged unsuitable).
Submission deadline is 12:00 noon on Tuesday, September 14th.
The entry fee is $25 ($20 for current Hampton Arts League members) for up to three artworks.
Submissions can be made online through Entrythingy at: https://www.entrythingy.com/d=hamptonarts.net .
Or visit our website and follow the links to 2021 VA Artists Call for Entries and Submit Your Artwork.
About the Juror/Judge: Steve Prince, Director of Engagement and Distinguished Artist in Residence at the Muscarelle Museum of Art
Awards: Best in Show ($1000); First Place ($750); Second Place ($500); Third Place ($250); Awards of Distinction (seven awards of $200 each) for 2-Dimensional, 3-Dimensional, and other categories
Deadline for Submissions: September 14th at 12 noon
Artwork Drop-off: Thurs, September 30 to Sat, October 2 - 10:30am to 5:30pm
Delivery Deadline for All Accepted Artworks: Sat, October 2nd, 5:30pm
Artist Reception: Sat, October 23rd, 3pm
Exhibition Dates: October 19 to December 18, 2021
Exhibited Artwork Pick-Up Dates: Tues - Thurs, December 21-23, 10-5:30pm
Website: charlestaylorvisualarts.org
Shipped artworks must be in reusable packaging and must include prepaid return shipping labels. Artist and title information must accompany each piece.
Artwork Sales: The sale price on your entries should include a 30% gallery commission. Works may be NFS (Not For Sale). Hampton Arts will collect the 6% Virginia State Sales Tax on sales from the buyer at the time of purchase. Artists who sell their work in the exhibition will need to fill out an updated W-9 form in order to be paid for sales of their artwork.
Insurance: From the time of delivery until the end of designated pick up dates, artworks will be insured by the City of Hampton in an amount up to and not exceeding $2,000, regardless of the sales price. Artworks that are NFS will only be insured up to that maximum amount. Artists are responsible for providing self-insurance for any amount of valuation over $2,000. By submission of artworks to the exhibition, artists acknowledge that the City of Hampton, Charles H. Taylor Visual Arts Center, Hampton Coliseum/Hampton Arts Commission, and Hampton Arts Foundation liability is limited to $2,000.
* All dates are subject to change due to Commonwealth and Federal COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions.

Posted on: 7/30/21, 8:14 PM