Open Call to The Mobile Library Magazine Volume 2 Issue 4: Sci-fi

Open Call to The Mobile Library Magazine Volume 2 Issue 4: Sci-fi


Call Type Unspecified
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 6/10/22, 2:34 PM - 7/22/22, 2:34 PM 883 Days Left
Entry Fee? No
Open Call to The Mobile Library Magazine Volume 2 Issue 4: Sci-fi


The Mobile Library provides a multi-digital exhibiting experience for artists and writers to showcase their work during the pandemic closures. Each publication is unique, pairing 6 artists and 6 writers together at different stages in their career to build a collaborative experience.

We are excited to announce Volume 2 will take on themes of the supernatural, spiritual, and mythological with Issue 4 seeking 6 artists and 6 writers that explore our theme of 'Sci-fi'. Themes include - but are not limited to - technology, dystopia, extraterrestrial or alien, robots, steampunk, cyberpunk, futurism, virtual reality, inventive languages, space exploration, time travel, super heroes, and parallel universes!

-Free to apply
-Deadline July 22, 2022
-Complete our Google Form
-Artists and writers 18 years and older are eligible to apply
-National and international artists are eligible to apply

Inquires, email
To submit:

Posted on: 6/10/22, 6:35 PM