The Familyu

The Familyu


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 10/18/22, 3:01 PM - 4/17/23, 12:00 AM 712 Days Left
Entry Fee? No
The Familyu
Rome 00154 Italy


Call for Exhibition ?Free entry
Accepted media: Photography, Video, Digital Visual Design
Group Exhibition in Rome. July 2023
The Family
The collection of the works on display will expose the meaning of the term "Family", through stories and thoughts.
Such a broad topic, "Family", grants the authors multiple approaches within the experiential and autobiographical sphere - which makes the diaristic component implicit - but also documentary and conceptual, as the result of a reflection on the meaning of the "Family" in the modern age.
"Family" is understood as a social nucleus made up of several individuals who live and share domestic environments, linked together by kinship and/or by an emotional relationship.
The selected works will answer questions such as "What are families nowadays?", "How do traditions and cultures affect our way of living them, in them and with them?", "What testimonies do we have of new ways of understanding the family?" - a reference to immigrant individuals who create new social and sharing groups and the request by homosexual women and men who want the right to create their own family recognized.
History of art offers a further starting point to reflect from, and it concerns a human behavior made manifest through the pictorial genre of the portrait: to remember oneself by becoming testimony and historical root for his descendants, a behavior that is followed through photography with the exposition in the frame or the family album.
Submissions »
Deadline April, 16th 2023

Posted on: 10/18/22, 10:48 AM