Art and Color 365 Watercolor Art Competition

Art and Color 365 Watercolor Art Competition


Call Type Competition
Call Eligibility National
Entry Dates 2/3/23, 12:01 AM - 3/10/23, 11:59 PM 749 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (24)
Art and Color 365 Watercolor Art Competition

2020 N. Academy Blvd., Suite 261 #305
Colorado Springs 80909 United States


Art and Color 365, new digital art and lifestyle bi-monthly magazine, announces its March 2023 Watercolor Art Competition. Entries accepted February 3- March 10, 2023. All winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place) and 15 honorable mentions will have their work featured in the March/April issues of the magazine. Winners will be notified by email by March 15, 2023.

Art an Color 365's competitions are designed to enhance the recognition of artists by creating a feature story showcasing the winning entries and honorable mentions for each contest in our magazine, as well as writing a special feature story about 1st Place artist including a selection of 5-10 pieces of their artwork.


1st place:
-$250 cash prize
-Special feature on the winning artist in the March/April 2023 issue of Art and Color 365 magazine including additional images from the winner's art portfolio
-Special placement in the competition's feature story showcasing winning entries and honorable mentions
-Digital award certificate
-Social media recognition on Art and Color 365’s social media channels
-Links to artist’s social media and websites
-Extensive publicity and promotion to U.S. media outlets
-Free issue of the March/April Art and Color 365 magazine featuring winning entries from the competition

2nd and 3rd places:
-Special placement in the competition's feature story showcasing winning entries and honorable mentions
-Digital award certificate
-Social media recognition on Art and Color 365’s social media channels
-Links to artist’s social media and websites
-Publicity and promotion to U.S. media outlets
-Free issue of the March/April Art and Color 365 magazine featuring winning entries from the competition

Honorable mentions:
-Inclusion in the competition's feature story showcasing winning entries and honorable mentions
-Digital award certificate
-Social media recognition on Art and Color 365’s social media channels
-Links to artist’s social media and websites
-Publicity and promotion to U.S. media outlets
-Free issue of the March/April Art and Color 365 magazine featuring winning entries from the competition

Posted on: 2/8/23, 8:15 AM