Commissioned artists for Redline Redefined

Commissioned artists for Redline Redefined


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility Local
Entry Dates 2/16/23, 5:12 PM - 3/31/23, 5:12 PM 694 Days Left
Entry Fee? No
Commissioned artists for Redline Redefined



We are looking to commission artists for our project, Redline Redefined.

Location: formerly redlined neighborhood of the Bay Area
Compensation Range: $1,500-$2,500 depending on scope of the project
Thingamajigs is looking to commission artists living in formerly redlined neighborhoods to create audio and visual pieces that investigates, explores, and narrates the cruel history and lasting effects of redlining.
Pieces will live on our interactive map.

We started Redline Redefined in Oakland and Berkeley and are expanding our project to include more artists and locations.
Chick here to view what our previous artist have done:
Check to see if you live in a formerly redlined neighborhood:

How to Apply:
Please fill out our form, or send erica@thingamajigs an email with questions.

Posted on: 2/17/23, 1:17 AM