PAPERWORKS: An International Call for Works on, of, or About Paper

PAPERWORKS: An International Call for Works on, of, or About Paper


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 10/18/23, 6:17 PM - 11/5/23, 11:59 PM 509 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (40)
PAPERWORKS: An International Call for Works on, of, or About Paper

2727 Woodburn Avenue
Cincinnati 45206 United States


The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists and designers to submit works on paper, of paper, and about paper in all of its uses.

With the right marks adorning its face, paper can become precious. Duplicated enough, it becomes essentially, and importantly, disposable.

Beyond its use as a surface, it can be folded, molded, out of its flatness into an object, a something in its own right, and not just a vehicle. Great satisfaction is found in pressing paper’s folded edge into a crease. There is beauty in the sound of it slicing.

$40 for up to FOUR entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.

Includes exhibitor honorarium of $50 for each exhibiting artist, and new Grand Jury Award of $1,000 for one jury-selected work from among the exhibits on view.

Posted on: 10/18/23, 10:17 PM