CALL FOR ARTISTS | Artist, Mother, Proud & Serious VOL II

CALL FOR ARTISTS | Artist, Mother, Proud & Serious VOL II


Call Type Unspecified
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 1/21/24, 4:42 PM - 2/10/24, 11:59 PM 377 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (45)
CALL FOR ARTISTS | Artist, Mother, Proud & Serious VOL II


Women United ART MOVEMENT, a global platform advocating for gender equality in the art world, is excited to announce a new call for artists for VOL II of the annual publication ARTIST, MOTHER, PROUD & SERIOUS!

Artist, Mother, Proud & Serious is a labour of love. It is a tribute to women who often find themselves on the edge of the art world because they don’t fit the stereotype of what “a professional artist” should look like. They often feel like having to justify their passion for the arts and their time in the studio.

Historically, a female artist who is also a mother, has not been considered an art book material. That is, until we came along and pushed the boundaries with our 400-page VOL I. We see you!

All artist mothers (whether you have a newborn at home or an adult out and about) who want to share their powerful stories, wins and challenges, regardless of their age, location, education, career stage, ethnicity.

A feature in a powerful annual edition of Artist, Mother, Proud & Serious that is distributed worldwide in print and digitally, reaching thousands of hearts and souls from artists to curators and other industry professionals.

A complimentary downloadable digital copy of VOL II to highlight your story to your audience and potential collectors.

An online exhibit & 3D virtual tour, accompanying the release of the publication.

EUR 250 Women United ART MOVEMENT micro-grant for one selected artist mother to support her art practice.

A highlight feature in Women United ART MAGAZINE | Issue X Winter 2025.

10 February 2024

November 2024


Posted on: 1/21/24, 3:43 PM