WILD KINGDOM: International Call for Works Exploring the Real or Imagined Animal in Art

WILD KINGDOM: International Call for Works Exploring the Real or Imagined Animal in Art


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 2/14/24, 2:51 PM - 3/30/24, 11:59 PM 363 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (40)
WILD KINGDOM: International Call for Works Exploring the Real or Imagined Animal in Art
(513) 861-3638

2727 Woodburn Avenue
Cincinnati 45206 United States


The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists and designers to submit works of any type or style that somehow address or feature the animal as primary subject, form, or content. Submissions can range from the most traditional to the most conceptual or experimental two-dimensional or three-dimensional works.

Images of animals in art have existed parallel to those of humans for as long as images (and objects) have been made by people. Our social, creative, and psychological evolution is inextricably tied to our relationships with animals. Whether it be the taming of the wolf, resulting in 'man's best friend', the tethering of the horse which magnified the power and geographic reach of humans, or the domestication of herd animals which contributed to the establishment of cities and large concentrations of people and therefore the growth of culture, they are all part of the trajectory of humanity to the present day. All have been documented, explored, and deified throughout the long process by images and objects featuring animals.

$40 for up to FOUR entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.

Includes exhibitor honorarium of $50 for each exhibiting artist, and new Grand Jury Award of $1,000 for one jury-selected work from among the exhibits on view.

Posted on: 2/14/24, 7:52 PM