Digital Art, Assemblage and Hand Cut Paper Collage II

Digital Art, Assemblage and Hand Cut Paper Collage II


Call Type Competition
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 2/17/24, 3:08 PM - 4/30/24, 3:09 PM 298 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (35)
Digital Art, Assemblage and Hand Cut Paper Collage II

123 Warren Street
Hudson 12534 United States


Digital Art, Assemblage and Hand Cut Paper Collage II - This exhibition will focus on the various forms of digital art, paper collage and 3D assemblage. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery from June 20 - July 13, 2024. Entry is open to all forms of digital art, paper collage, assemblages and combinations thereof. The entry deadline is April 30, 2024. Online entry form is at

Posted on: 2/17/24, 8:09 PM