Metro Montage XXIV

Metro Montage XXIV


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility National
Entry Dates 2/1/24, 1:46 PM - 4/16/24, 11:59 PM 346 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (50)
Metro Montage XXIV

30 Atlanta Street SE
Marietta 30060


"Metro Montage XXIV" is the Marietta Cobb Museum of Art’s 24th annual juried exhibition featuring all types of genre, medium, style, subject matter, concept, and technique in art. "Metro Montage" will feature works of fine art by contemporary artists from across the country, showcasing the diversity and skill within our nation’s culture. Eligible media includes, but is not limited to, oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, ink, pencil, mixed media, collage, printmaking, photography, sculpture, pottery, mosaic, and fiber. Giclées and video/sound art are not eligible.

Posted on: 2/29/24, 6:48 PM