Indelible Imprints: Show Your Work on A BILLBOARD in Los Angeles

Indelible Imprints: Show Your Work on A BILLBOARD in Los Angeles


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility National
Entry Dates 3/13/24, 2:03 PM - 4/29/24, 2:03 PM 88 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (10)
Indelible Imprints: Show Your Work on A BILLBOARD in Los Angeles

Los Angeles 90220


SaveArtSpace x DCDG & Co. is proud to present Indelible Imprints, a public art and gallery exhibition in Los Angeles, CA. Open call for art ends April 29, 2024. Curated by Delaney George.

In·del·i·ble /in?del?b(?)l/

Indelible refers to something that cannot be removed, erased, or forgotten; it leaves a lasting and permanent mark or impression. The foundation of America bears the indelible imprint of Black labor, a powerful force that played an instrumental role in shaping the nation's prosperity. From the toil of enslaved individuals to the contributions of Black workers in various industries, to being a primary source of inspiration and creativity today. The resilience and spirit of Black people's invaluable contributions formed the foundation of the nation we have today and we honor that by celebrating the essence of relentless change and unapologetic black expression.

This call serves as a celebration of you and for those who came before you. With this call, we amplify your beauty, your blackness, your ancestors, your voice, the soul within you from which a nation was born. Our uniqueness and indelible power has led us from June 19th, 1865 to present day and we want to show the world!

We invite artists of all ages and talents to submit their artwork between March 13 and April 29, 2024. This is an opportunity to have your work placed on billboard ad space, plus a gallery exhibition at Gallery 90220 in Los Angeles, CA.

Open call for art ends April 29, 2024. There is a $10 donation per image submission to participate, each donation is tax deductible and goes to producing the public art. Selected artists will be announced after May 13, 2024. Public art will be installed June 10, 2024 in Los Angeles, CA. Gallery exhibition duration June 14-31, 2024.

Posted on: 4/11/24, 7:04 PM