Pisa Murales Contest I edition

Pisa Murales Contest I edition


Call Type Proposals / Public Art
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 4/20/24, 3:00 PM - 5/31/24, 11:59 PM 245 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (40)
Pisa Murales Contest I edition
+39 333 4711727

Piazza della Stazione, 16 presso Teatro Nuovo di Pisa.
PISA 56125 Italia


1. Title: Pisa Murales Contest 2024, edition I.
First competition festival dedicated to informal approach, graffiti, murals, fresco, stencil, airbrushing and wall painting in Pisa. To continue this year's initiatives which have enhanced and highlighted the importance of Pisa in world and European street art, to build atmospheres and spaces of inspiration, hope, beauty in 12 places with great social & historical relevance. At the same time, acting as a passepartout for the traditional celebrations of Giugno Pisano /Pisa’s June, we want to give support, demonstrate our admiration and respect to talented artists from anywhere who have not yet had the opportunity for commissions that enhance their artistic activity - this summer we are offering prestigious spaces and historical-cultural importance to create an UNPRECEDENTED quantity of Murals and Visual Works.
?Conceived by Nativa, managed and organized by the most active cultural associations in Pisa, it offers 5 prizes in benefits and opportunities, for emerging and established artists and children between 7 and 13 years old, plus a Public choice prize from online voting. Two sections dedicated to Ephemeral Works - to be created with water-soluble means and temporary techniques, and one themed on Luminara and Gioco del Ponte.
The project program envisages shared management, based on the principles of solidarity, active participation, spirit of initiative and civic value, and offers as many surfaces and spaces in the historic center and strategic points of the city, with the aim of enhancing and enriching them with atmospheres, evoked by shapes, colors and compositions. The ultimate aim is to produce a strong positive impact: a large quantity of public visual art will pour into the city of Pisa in the months of May and June, also involving scholars, and a few educational institutions of the area.
2. Theme / incipit: Scratching Freedom.

The theme would like to have a graph structure and connect the central concept of Freedom with two other concepts.
ANTE: First, “city” and “tradition” (in reference to Giugno Pisano and the Gioco del Ponte especially) as Antecedent the mural to be created - as something whose value does not diminish over time. Tradition as spiritual value and the city as a value shared by a multiplicity are to be considered as Ancestors of the Competition, and as such, they observe it from above, almost guide it, and certainly express opinions.
Secondly , the powerful word - Freedom - easily connects to “expression”, “boundary”, “choice” . Think about freedom of choice, free expression, the boundary between one's own freedom and that of others, but do it from a scrathing perspective: remembering the Ancestor , but not only that!

Scratching Liberty is a special, albeit imaginary, daughter of the Ancestor. She is lively, brilliant, abrupt at times, but always significant, attractive, indelible - she always leaves her mark. Scratchy and Free, like Pisa - a wonder of a city.

3. Spaces 2024
Total surfaces available to the Festival are 400+ m2: of these 144 m2 are reserved for competition, for 12 works of 3x4 m2 each.
Panel surfaces have the same size, with the exception of the KIDS section panels (maximum 3 m2) and all will remain on display until July 15th, or until the earlier deadline, only if otherwise agreed with the Host.

Station Square, 16 New Theatre
Guerrazzi Square, Leopolda Station
Piazza XXV Aprile, Putignano, ARCI club
v. B. Croce, Buffetti shop
v. Cerboni S. Marco, Al Barrino café
v. Rigattieri, A tutto gusto pizzeria
v. Fermi, ARCI Alhambra club
v. Frascani, ARCI Pisanova club
v. Marsala, ARCI Pisanello club
via Curtatone and Montanara, Pisa Pizza pizzeria
via Livornese, ARCI E. Curiel club
via Cattaneo, 64, New car wash
via Silvestri, Leningrad circle

Details and surfaces in detail on: ArteNativaPisa.com/PMCspaces
4 . Sections

It is required that all works are unpublished , that they are not in competition for other prizes and that they are fully available to the participant, their intellectual and physical property.

The following sections are foreseen:

1. section Ephemeral - to be created on the wall with water-soluble or biodegradable colours, which will be "eliminated" naturally by rain and the passage of time. Each artist will be free to choose between chalks and pastels, watercolors of various kinds, as well as food colorings, unconventional pigments and the like, provided that they are not harmful to the surface and do not alter it, the background indefinitely, size 12 m2, 3x4 m.

2. Permanent section, “panel” - to be created on panels provided by the organizers, dimensions 12 m2, 3x4 m.

3. Permanent " wall " section, to be created on the wall with colors resistant to atmospheric agents for outdoors, size 12 m2, 3x4 m. Bonus +2 points in the evaluation for those under 25 years old on May 20, 2024.

4. Kids section, Free theme : dedicated to children aged 7-13 , maximum size 3 x 1 m .
5. Kids section, June Pisano theme : dedicated to children aged 7-13 , 3 x 1 format mt , ideas connected and in dialogue with the Luminara and the Gioco del Ponte, format 3 x 1 m maximum, permanent.
6. Public Prize: to the competitor who has obtained the highest number of votes online on our website artenativapisa.com/PMCgallery . Bonuses for artists under 25 years of age and local artists residing in Tuscany and surrounding regions, cumulative.

5. Rewards

Permanent Panel & Wall: space for 12 square meter murals + personal exhibition during 2025 in Pisa + 90% discount for personal online gallery and blog with unlimited GB in sub-domain on artenativapisa.com. Example gallery domain: ( artenativapisa.com/GalleriaNomeArtista ), duration 2 years.
Effimera : 12 square meter mural space + personal exhibition during 2025 + “Artistic career planning and professional development plan” service offered by Nativa. Bonus for those under 25 years old on May 20, 2024.
Audience Award: space for murals 12 square meters maximum + collective exhibition during 2025. Awarded to the competitor who has obtained the highest number of votes online on the artenativapisa.co m/PMCgallery website. Bonus for artists under 25 and local artists residing in Tuscany and surrounding regions. Voting with indication of e-mail address, one vote by e-mail.
Boys free theme: space for permanent murals of 3 square meters maximum + 3 Manga Art Academy workshops 60% discount
June Pisano theme kids: space for permanent murals of 3 square meters maximum + 3 Manga Art Academy workshops 60% discount

All winners will be delivered the digital Catalog of the Finalists, via email at the end of the event, and no later than 07.26.2024.
All submitted Proposals will be displayed on the PMCgallery web page at the official competition website.
All the winners, along with 6 others finalists, will be assigned spaces located in 12 different places in the city of Pisa as specified in the art. 3 - Spaces 2024, and in accordance with what is indicated on the official website on the PMCspaces page, Call section.

The mediums (colours, solvents, sprays, thinners etc) of the "Panel" Section are the responsibility of the organizers - but must be requested from the organization via email: natia.pisa@gmail.com with list of materials and brief description of the characteristics, at following the specific Communication of Admission between Finalists.

The combination of work and place, and consequent wall/panel, is at the complete discretion of the Jury.
6. Jury

Claudio Francesconi, FUTURA Gallery Pietrasanta & Milan
SKIM, street artist, painter, Florence
Giacomo Roberto, master painter, director of the First Painting School, Pisa.
RAME13, member of EDF crew, street artist and illustrator, Livorno / Bologna.
Maurizio Marco Tozzi, curator, video-art expert, founder of the Over The Real Festival, Pietrasanta.

Furthermore, 2 members of the Ad Honorem Jury may be added.

The Jury meets for the first time in April, in May to approve the competition notice, which will subsequently be translated into 4 languages, and to select the winners and finalists between 1 and 10 June 2024.

The awards ceremony is scheduled for July 16, at the Teatro Nuovo in Pisa.
7. Essential dates

1. First Jury: 11 April
2. News first: April 11th
3. Pre-Registration: April 20th
3. Opening of the call for applications and selections: 20 May
4. Registration deadline: May 31st
5. Creation of works: 10 - 30 June
6. Awards ceremony / Exhibition: 15 June - 15 July
7. Collateral Events/Live Talks: 15 May - 15 June
8. Organizers and members
Nativa Group (art. 36 Civil Code), Stazione Leopolda associations, BinarioVIVO / Teatro Nuovo di Pisa, ARCI Putignano, ARCI Pisanova, ARCI province of Pisa and others.
The management and artistic direction is coordinated by Nativa , PM certified, painter active in the visual arts since 2007.
With operational contribution from BinarioVIVO and staff of the Teatro Nuovo, of the associations belonging to Stazione Leopolda and, for collateral events, jury and workshops in collaboration with: Futura art gallery (Pietrasanta / Milan) Mohole srl and aQuarium collective - Milan, James Vega street artist and curator , Mixed Media - Urban Connection Poggibonsi, SKIM - Florence, Levels art gallery - Florence, Eppursimov aps, Alla Prima art school and others.

In the Festival connected to the /PMF/ Competition, live Performance and Workshop events are planned, to be held between 17 May and 29 June by 4 groups of street artists from different cities.

9. Requirements and methods of participation

Respect for the Themes and spirit of the Contests

Sending Proposals and receipts for payment of the full fee by 31 May 2024 via online form on www.ArteNativaPisa.com/PMCregister or via email to info@artenativapisa.com. IN PRE-REGISTRATION BY MAY 19th - if accompanied by a payment receipt , pre-registrations become effective after May 19th 2024.

Personal requirements : No racial, ethnic, religious, gender, orientation or other distinctions. Participants from abroad are also accepted : provided that they are physically present for the time necessary to complete their work between 10 and 30 June.

Format, materials and dimensions of the Proposals : drafts, prints, concepts, graphics - in photography up to 3,000 px per largest side, not exceeding 5 Mb and 300 Dpi each, up to 4 images per proposal. In .jpg, .bmp or .pdf format. .zip image files are also allowed . The 3x4 proportion is fundamental.

IT IS POSSIBLE TO PARTICIPATE WITH MULTIPLE PROPOSALS : the participation fee for works subsequent to the first is 20.00 euros for each additional work.

Participation fee : 40.00 euros to cover the costs of organizing and managing the competition . Payment to be made to IBAN: IT41V0306914042100000002803 Intesa San Paolo, branch via Matteucci, snc — 56124 PISA, ABI: 03069, CAB: 14098, swift: BCITITMM, with reason for payment “PMC Competition 2024 name of artist/group” no later than 31.05.2024 .

Sections : you can compete for one section or another, but no more than one section for each Proposal.

Children : for the Kids section the parent/guardian must send a declaration on plain paper authorizing their child to participate in the PMC 2024 Contest , attaching a photocopy of their document, via email to: nata.pisa@gmail.com.

Groups : groups are also allowed, in all categories. They can send one or more Proposals per group, to be nominated in one section only for each proposal.
10. Evaluation criteria
Adherence to the theme and values of the initiative: 5 points
Originality and capacity for emotional impact: 5 points
Aesthetic and execution quality of the work: 4 points
Social and moral value of what the work represents in itself, beyond the theme and the competition: 3 points
Residence in Tuscany and neighboring regions: + 2 only in the designated sections
Age under 25 as of 05.20.2024: + 2 only in the designated sections

11. Participating and sending Your proposals you agree to use of images and parts of those for the selection and assignement processes connected to present Call, and for promoting our Events in 2024 edition and for next years' editions.

Posted on: 5/23/24, 5:33 PM