Mural Fest Canton

Mural Fest Canton


Call Type Proposals / Public Art
Call Eligibility National
Entry Dates 6/21/24, 9:52 AM - 7/19/24, 9:52 AM 50 Days Left
Entry Fee? No
Mural Fest Canton
(330) 489-3344

218 Cleveland Ave SW
Canton 44702 United States


Canton Mural Fest
Submission Requirements
1.1 Project Summary
The City of Canton Department of Planning, in collaboration with Arts in Stark, Visit Canton, and the
Downtown Canton Partnership, seeks to commission multiple professional artists for an exterior mural
initiative located within the Downtown Canton Special Improvement District. The purpose of the
initiative is to contribute to the revitalization efforts in a core targeted investment area of Canton and
encourage reinvestment in a location of downtown that has more vacancies and less foot traffic.
The initiative will empower artists to create murals that contribute to a unique outdoor mural gallery
and encourage exploration and potential investment within the area. We will select 13 artists or team of
artists to receive one of 13 commissions to create an original mural on an exterior wall of properties
located within the designated Canton Mural Fest location. The artwork may be painted or an applied
vinyl wrap. Arts in Stark will award a stipend to each commissioned artist or team of artists with the
amount dependent on the location and size of wall. Assigned locations of murals will be shared with
selected artists once submissions are juried and artists are paired with property owners. Artists will
create site specific work that:
• Celebrates the diversity and character of Canton and Stark County;
• Adds to the neighborhood vibrancy and sense of place;
• Is not deemed an advertisement;
• Is not vulgar or obscene as determined by the Downtown Canton Mural Fest Committee.
1.2 Goals of the Project
The goal of this project is to create a public art installation that will act as an outdoor mural gallery in
Downtown Canton. Goals of this project include:
• The development of an annual event featuring a series of murals that are integrated with the
existing architectural vocabulary of Downtown Canton and adjacent contributing features.
• To encourage public art that advances the urban fabric and community goals of the city.
• To develop a series of murals that fosters innovation and promotes artistic excellence.

City Planning Commission
1.3 Location Details
Canton Mural Fest is located in the Downtown Canton Warehouse District and is bound by 4th Street NE
to the North, 2nd Street NE to the South, Cherry Avenue NE to the West and Walnut Avenue NE to the
East. 13 mural locations have been identified within this area. A map of the mural locations and site
photos including approximate square footage are included in the Call for Artists.
1.4 Costs
The amount for each mural will be determined once locations are assigned to participating artists. The
mural amount will range from $3,000 - $6,000 and is dependent on the location of the mural due to the
square footage and complexity of the different mural locations. 50% of the mural amount will be paid at
the beginning of the project. The remaining 50% of the mural amount will be paid upon completion. The
amount determined is inclusive of all costs associated with the project; including, but not limited to, the
artist’s design fee, surface preparation, tools, materials, installation, travel to and from the site, project
documentation, and contingency to cover unexpected expenses associated with Canton Mural Fest.
1.5 Artist Eligibility
The project is open to professional artists or artist teams that live or work in the following areas: (1) in
Stark County, Ohio; (2) in Northeast Ohio; (3) in the State of Ohio; or (4) in the United States. The artist
must show they have successfully completed similar installations/exhibits in the recent past.
Artists will agree to begin their project on September 2nd, 2024 and have the mural completed by
September 23rd, 2024. Artists must agree to share and invite their community to the Canton Mural Fest
celebration on September 28th, 2024. Artists (or a member of each artist team) are required to be in
attendance for the Artist Meet and Greet during the final Mural Fest celebration on September 28th,
2024. Exceptions may be considered but must be requested by the artist at the time of the application.
1.6 Submission Requirements
Applications should reflect the artist’s experience and aptitude for mural work. While previous mural
work is not required, artists with previous mural work are encouraged to apply. Applications should
include images of previous work that demonstrated the ability to create mural art on exterior walls.
Once artists are selected, artists will work with building owners to develop a proposal for their specific
site. Artist may request preferred mural locations in their statement of interest, however there is no
guarantee that you will be assigned to that location.

Applications MUST be submitted in the recommended format so that they may be evaluated in an
objective manner by the selection committee. Entries that do not meet submission requirements will
not be considered. Submissions may be dropped off in person, sent by mail, or emailed.
Hard Copies:
1. 8.5” x 11” size paper, single sided, full color;
2. Ten (10) page maximum;
3. Submit two (2) hard copies, which will not be returned;
4. Adequate font size and graphic resolution to be read at this size.
Digital Copies:
1. Ten (10) page maximum;
2. Submit digital files compiled into one (1) PDF or Microsoft Word document;
3. Adequate font size and graphic resolution to be read at this size.
Materials required:
• Statement of Interest (500-word maximum) outlining the following:
o Your interest in the Canton Mural Fest and why it is of special interest to you.
o Your preferred design media.
o Your design approach / general concept for the project.
• Resume – Submit a one to two-page current resume that highlights your professional
accomplishments as an artist. If applying as a team, please submit one resume with one page
per team member.
• Samples of Previous Work – To be considered for this project, the applicant must submit at least
five (5) images of previously completed artworks; preferably public art installations. Include
brief descriptions of each image; including title, dimensions, materials, date, location,
budget/cost, length of time to complete the work and commissioning entity (if applicable).
Submit to:
The applicants name must appear on all materials submitted. Applicants will submit all materials in hard
copy or in digital format to:
Cassandra Pearson, Neighborhood Planner
Canton City Hall
218 Cleveland Avenue SW, 6th Floor
Canton, OH 44702

Please direct all questions about the project to Cassandra Pearson. Late and/or incomplete applications
will NOT be considered.
1.7 Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process
Submissions will only be evaluated if the application is complete and received by the deadline.
The following criteria will be applied toward the identification of artists from the pool of applicants to be
selected for the Downtown Canton Mural Fest:
• Artistic Quality – Does the applicant’s past work show artistic excellence, quality craftsmanship
and execution of message?
• Technical Expertise – Has the artist completed similar types of projects? Does the artist have
experience working at the scale required?
• Ease of Process – Is there a reasonable expectation that the project will be completed on time,
on budget and within the prescribed parameters?
• Maintenance Expectation – Can the artist demonstrate that their artwork will be executed
utilizing durable materials that are appropriate for an exterior application within the public
Artists will be selected by a committee comprised of the following community leaders:
• Donn Angus, Director of Planning
• Cassandra Pearson, Neighborhood Planner
• Maureen Ater, President & CEO Arts in Stark
• Ally Bussey, President & CEO Visit Canton
• Todd Herberghs, Executive Director Downtown Canton Partnership
• Ryan Miller, Deli Ohio
Upon selection, artists will be assigned one of the identified locations within the Canton Mural Fest area

Posted on: 7/1/24, 1:54 PM