Rise Colossus : Critical Review Catalogue Publication & Online Exhibit

Rise Colossus : Critical Review Catalogue Publication & Online Exhibit


Call Type Competition
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 7/1/24, 7:12 PM - 7/10/24, 7:12 PM 59 Days Left
Entry Fee? No
Rise Colossus : Critical Review Catalogue Publication & Online Exhibit


No application, registration, or publication fees. No fees. Up to six best in show artists will have their work published in the catalogue with detailed critical essays written by the curators. Artists participating in the online exhibit will have two works of art on display and links to their website and social media. Artists keep 100% sales of their work.

You can apply for online exhibits by emailing us at curator@aedrafinearts.com

How to apply:

Email your resume, 3 image samples, and artist website.

Artist Feature Catalogue articles are published on our website at

https://www.aedrafinearts.com/catalogue and on our Substack page at https://aedrafinearts.substack.com

AFA does not accept applications of works made with artificial intelligence.

Posted on: 7/1/24, 11:13 PM