


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility International
Entry Dates 10/27/24, 3:57 PM - 4/29/25, 3:58 PM 54 Days Left
Entry Fee? No

Rome 00154 Italy


Call for Exhibition ?Free entry
Accepted media: Photography, Video, Digital Visual Design
Group Exhibition in Rome. July 2025
The photographic, digital and video works that will be selected for the collective exhibition scheduled for July 2025 and curated by LoosenArt will be focused on the theme of rites. Here the rite is understood as a recurrent practice, conducted with seriousness and commitment through a prescribed procedure that gives it validity.
Since the origins of rites among primitive and tribal peoples we have visual testimonies of their executions, and images sometimes become indispensable means to symbolize deities, spirits and other supernatural entities to make the forces they evoke concrete.
For centuries art has been strongly linked to ritual practices, and even today, through the documentary function of new media, we have evidence of performance and artistic practices related to them.
The call is open to works related to ritual practices that testify to its wider functions, from sacred to social ones, and from the intimistic and family-biographical to psychological and introspective ones.
Submissions » http://bit.ly/loosenartcalls
Deadline April, 29th, 2025

Posted on: 10/26/24, 1:59 PM