18th Annual African American Fiber Art Exhibition - In Praise of the Ancestors

18th Annual African American Fiber Art Exhibition - In Praise of the Ancestors


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility National
Entry Dates 11/1/24, 12:29 PM - 3/3/25, 11:59 PM 11 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (30)
18th Annual African American Fiber Art Exhibition - In Praise of the Ancestors


African American fiber artists from across the nation are invited to participate in the 18th Annual African American Fiber Art Exhibition - "In Praise of the Ancestors," a component of the 2025 North Charleston Arts Fest. Ancestor worship is a central custom of African religion and is practiced throughout the African diaspora. In addition to their deep reverence for elders, followers of traditional African religion believe the ancestors maintain a spiritual connection to and powerful influence on their living relatives, and their wisdom is considered invaluable. No matter your culture or background, the act of honoring ancestors is sacred, and we can all benefit from recognizing and respecting our lineage. This year's theme aims to honor legends of the Diaspora, known and unknown, who's lives and sacrifices gave birth to our many celebrated accomplishments and have brought us to this place. Artists may choose to highlight a figure from our collective African American history, or from their own family's history. From tales of slavery, racism, and fighting for our basic human rights, to finding our heritage and values, fiber pieces in this 18th annual exhibition will cover a vast range of topics that have great significance for the African American community.

Posted on: 11/4/24, 5:30 PM