RFQ: Mural Opportunity in Allentown PA

RFQ: Mural Opportunity in Allentown PA


Call Type Proposals / Public Art
Call Eligibility National
Entry Dates 12/9/24, 12:00 AM - 1/13/25, 11:59 PM 74 Days Left
Entry Fee? No
RFQ: Mural Opportunity in Allentown PA



LVACA, in partnership with Allentown Economic Development Corp, Allentown Mural Arts, Allentown Parking Authority, DLP Capital, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, invites experienced muralists to submit qualifications for a large mural project on the iconic Spiral Deck parking structure in Allentown.

The requested mural will transform 4-5,000 square feet of the Spiral Deck’s southern facade, located across from a recently completed mural on the northwest corner of the Da Vinci Science center, creating a vibrant and welcoming scene for residents and visitors of this busy downtown corridor.

Applicants can define their vision for the mural and are encouraged to build on themes of creativity and innovation. Submissions are due by January 13, 2025. More information can be found at www.lvaca.org/community/opencall-apa

Posted on: 12/18/24, 3:22 PM