11th Annual Juried Art Exhibition - Perry County Council of the Arts

11th Annual Juried Art Exhibition - Perry County Council of the Arts


Call Type Exhibition
Call Eligibility State
Entry Dates 2/20/25, 10:16 AM - 7/9/25, 11:59 PM 105 Days Left
Entry Fee? Yes (15)
11th Annual Juried Art Exhibition - Perry County Council of the Arts

67 N 4th St
Newport 17074 United States


Entry Materials Due: July 9, 2025
Exhibition Dates: SEPTEMBER 25, 2025 - NOVEMBER 20, 2025*
2D Art On Tour at the PA State Capitol: December 1, 2025 - December 20, 2025.
Exhibition Location: Landis House, 67 N. Fourth Street, Newport, PA
717.567.3476 | admin@perrycountyarts.org | perrycountyarts.org

Perry County Council of the Arts invites artists, makers and craftspeople to submit their work to our 11th Annual Juried Exhibition at Landis House in Newport, PA. The Annual Juried Art Exhibition showcases outstanding talent across a variety of media.

Exhibition Calendar
JULY 9: All entry materials must be submitted online or emailed
August 13: Notification of accepted or rejected artwork via email
SEPT. 8 - 12: Art delivery at Landis House, 67 N. Fourth St., Newport
SEP 25 – NOV 20: Exhibition is on display at Landis House
SEPT. 26: Exhibition reception at Landis House, 6-8 PM. All are welcome
NOV 20: Last Day of Exhibition
NOV 21-26: Pickup of artwork not continuing to Art on Tour at the Pennsylvania State Capitol in December.

Eligible Works
Original work in all media created in the past 3 years is eligible for entry. Work previously shown in a PCCA juried exhibition will not be accepted.

1. Painting (oil or acrylic on canvas or panel),
2. Water media (watercolor, acrylic on paper, gouache, tempera),
3. Photography and Digital (film or digital photography, digital art),
4. 3D (sculpture, ceramics, glass, fiber, jewelry),
5. Other Media (pastel, mixed media, drawing, collage, printmaking, encaustic).
Note: mechanical reproductions are not acceptable, including reproductions that have been enhanced by the artist.

$1,500 in cash prizes will be awarded by the exhibition juror.
• Best of Show - All Media - $250
• First Place in each category - $100
• Second Place in each category - $75
• Third Place in each category - $50
• People’s Choice Award - $125

All sales are processed through PCCA, which retains a 35% commission. Artwork that is not for sale should be marked NFS.

Display of Work
All art must be framed and securely wired for hanging (sawtooth hangers are not acceptable). 2D work must be matted and framed under glass or plexiglass, except oils and acrylics treated like oils. Work on canvas with finished edges is acceptable. No frames that leave glass edges exposed will be accepted. PCCA reserves the right to reject any entry that is not suitable for display.

Delivery and Return of Work
Accepted work must be delivered to and picked up from PCCA’s Landis House, 67 N. Fourth St., Newport, during the dates listed above. Please email admin@perrycountyarts.org to make delivery and pickup appointments.

PCCA will take reasonable care of artwork displayed within the exhibition.

Entry Materials
Artists must submit the following items via our online form, or they may be emailed to admin@perrycountyarts.org

1. Digital Images: Submissions may be submitted online via the google form or emailed to admin@perrycountyarts.org

Saving Digital Images: Provide unenhanced JPG images properly oriented and depicting the art accurately. When saving JPGs, save at the high-quality standard setting. The final file size should not be smaller than 1MB and not exceed 5MB.

Naming Files: Use the category entered, followed by your initials, entry # as given on the entry form and one word from the entry title. Ex: Jane Doe’s photo Entry #1 “Little Bear”
would be photographyanddigitaljd1bear.jpg.

Artists may submit up to 3 pieces of art, with one image per entry.
3D entries may have one additional photo, showing another perspective.

2. Statements: Please include your general artist’s statement, as well as a statement relating to each entry, if applicable. Typed statements should be included with your online entry form or emailed entries.

3. Entry Fee: Artist must submit one fee per piece entered, whether or not it is accepted by the juror. $15 per artwork (members may use their code to receive 10% off). $5 per
artwork by students with proper ID. All entries are non-refundable. Non-members may become members to receive discounted entry fees. Memberships: Individual, $30; Family, $50.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the exhibition.

Posted on: 2/20/25, 3:38 PM